What Is The Hubble Money App

Fintech startup Hubble has secured an investment of around ₹ 25 crore

Hubble is a revolutionary and unique online savings platform for your electronics needs. It helps you save smarter and it rewards you for saving. We are improving upon the age-old banking system without compromising on security and safety, allowing you,

Can I withdraw my money without finishing my goal?

You can withdraw your savings anytime - 24/7. However, we encourage that you complete your goal so that you can use your 10% rewards.

How do I get 10% extra to save now buy later?

You can save for your purchase goals in instalments. Each time you save, 10% of your savings amount is credited to your Hubble account in 30 days. You can claim your 10% rewards at the end of each month and use them for a purchase with your favorite brands. You can choose to opt for brand gift vouchers at merchant stores when you decide to shop.

How is Hubble able to offer 10% rewards for my savings?

We have partnered with various trusted brands to bring you the best deal when you purchase with them. These brands reward you for the planning and allegiance that you show towards them.

How do I claim my 10% rewards?

You can claim your 10% rewards at the end of each month and use them for a purchase with your favorite brands. You can use gift vouchers at merchant stores when you decide to shop.

 Is my money safe with Hubble?

Absolutely. Your funds are deposited in RBI licensed banks and you can withdraw anytime. Your information is fully encrypted and secured.

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